Declan's Awards & Certifications

  • Recognised as one of the top 16 coaches within Australia.
  • Winner of 2020's excellence in social enterprise - Hunter Business Awards
  • Finalist 2018 Young Business Person of the Year - Local Business Awards
  • Bachelor of Health, University of Newcastle
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Positive Psychology, Central Queensland University
  • Practitioner Certification in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, ACT Mindfully Institute
  • Practitioner Certification in NeuroLinguistic Programming, The Coaching Room

Declan In the Media

If you are a journalist looking for an expert to contribute a comment for your story, or if you'd like to do a feature article on myself or one of my businesses, please contact me.

Welcome to Episode Seven of the Human Connection Project Podcast with Matt Boyce and his guest today Declan Edwards from BU Coaching. Join us as we talk all things mental wellness and open up the conversation to normalise emotion, mental health and share our experiences, tips and work towards giving you the strength to reach out and live your best life; because together we are stronger.


Episode 7: Declan Edwards - The Human Connection Podcast

I have one question that I want you to write down and answer: If you weren't afraid, what would you do?

What is your thing? What are you scared or afraid of doing? Big things, little things, anything at all. Quitting your job, leaving a relationship, starting (or learning) a new hobby, singing in front of a crowd, skydiving, trying cooking for the first time.

When You're Scared To Take The Leap, Do It Anyway - Thought Catalog

In this episode we discuss Declan's childhood + relationship with his father and the impact it's had on him being the man he is today, where his passion and love for supporting other people came from and a decision making framework he uses at BU Coaching to support people in stepping more toward what they're after

My Past Does Not Define My & My Potential Is Limitless - The Human Development Podcast

As women, it can seem as if we're almost required to feel confident, empowered, and strong the minute we reach adulthood. But being fully confident in ourselves doesn't always happen immediately.

How To Be A Confident Woman During A Crisis Of Confidence - I Am & Co

Most vacationers - whether by choice or necessity - opt for shorter getaways: The average length of 61 percent of trips is six days or less, and the typical American vacation is just three to four days, according to Travel + Leisure.
But, is that enough of a break to decompress from work and restore your sense of inner calm, or would you be better served by taking one or two longer trips?

Bite-sized Trips, Or Traditional Vacations: What's Better for Our Health? - Exhale Lifestyle

There's so much talking about owning "it" (whatever "it" is), being a boss, and loving yourself no matter what size or shape you are. And that's awesome. But the reality is that being confident all the time is easier said than done-and sometimes, people are their own worst enemies. So next time that little voice inside your head starts sowing seeds of self-doubt and insecurity, try these confidence-boosting tips from the pros.

9 Tips for Feeling More Confident - RealSimple

"There's a huge difference between finding the silver lining on a cloud and denying the cloud ever existed in the first place," says Declan Edwards, founder of BU Coaching

7 Ways To Tell If Positivity Is Actually Toxic Positivity -

Today we're speaking with Declan Edwards from BU Coaching. Declan shares his top 5 tips plus talks us through how BU Coaching is aiming to impact 1 trillion lives!

5 Tips With Declan from BU Coaching - The Inspire for 5 Podcast

What comes to your mind when you think of being innovative or being a disruptor? Some define it as coming up with a new product or way of doing things. Here's how entrepreneurs and business owners define innovation and disruption…

10 Entrepreneurs Define Innovation And Disruption - CEO Blog Nation

Declan Edwards is the co-founder of BU Coaching - a platform for Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing training that tackles self help with a brand new approach… Listen to the whole episode below:

I Am Me and I'm OK With That - Words With Oz: The Essay Question Podcast

Now more than ever, social connection is essential for all of us. As wellbeing and emotional intelligence coach at BU Coaching Ami Rankin tells us, stressful situations can actually force us to think about the friendship we have with ourselves and how we can give back to those we love.


How To Be A Good Friend While Social Distancing - ELLE Magazine

This week we welcome to the podcast founder of BU Coaching Declan Edwards. Declan is an awesome guy we have had the pleasure of getting to know over the last few years with the work his organisation is doing to help in the emotional wellness space.
His current mission is to make Newcastle known as the happiest region in Australia and that's something we couldn't be more excited to help get behind.

Making Newcastle the Happiest Place in Australia - The Newstrength Way Podcast

DRAW YOUR BATTLE LINES! This means getting remarkably clear on what you and your company stand for and fight against.

The Best Motivation Tips for Entrepreneurs - Carol Roth Business Unplugged

If it is so easy to give love to others, why is it such a challenge to do the same for ourselves? If we can have compassion for those in pain, why then, when it comes to our own suffering, do we rarely give ourselves the same grace. If we can effortlessly "fall" in love with others, why does the idea of "falling in love with ourselves" make us cringe?

The Arduous Journey to Self Love - Psychology Today

As a part of our series about entrepreneurs who transformed something they did for fun into a full-time career, I had the pleasure of interviewing Declan Edwards, Founder & CEO of BU Coaching

From Avocation To Vocation: How I Turned My Hobby Into A Career, With Declan Edwards of BU Coaching

Declan spent his whole early life trying to live up to his father's expectations, or rather, what he perceived them to be. He was so invested in proving himself that he ended up sick with an eating disorder which was the turning point for him to start a healthier and happier journey...


It Wasn't Your Parent's Fault - Ruby Slipper Women Podcast with Rosie Nerney

WELLNESS just got a whole lot more palatable for Hunter residents who like to kick off their weekends with a "cheeky" glass of wine. Listen to the whole interview below:

Newcastle wine and wellness nights aim to blend health and happiness with local wine to strike the right balance - The Newcastle Herald

How do we actually get to that point when we can say that we're happy? Listen to the whole interview below:

The Journey to the Centre of Happiness - 2ser 107.3fm Radio

Declan has a big mission, one that is super inspiring; "to positively impact 1 trillion lives by spreading a ripple effect of positive change". Tune in to hear about how he is working towards this social trend. Listen to the whole episode below:

Spotlight on Declan Edwards - The UQ Power Podcast

"Human behaviour is driven by feeling. We rarely do what we logically know is good for us, we do what we feel like doing...."

Read the full article below

6 Ways to Reboot Your Motivation For New Year's Resolutions - Best Company Article